Discover more about our collection with Bunyan's Hidden Highlights films
This series of short films on 'Bunyan's Hidden Highlights' in and around Bedford is still available for free on the museum's website and...

Wondered what prison was like for John Bunyan in the 17th Century? Want to learn more about prison in the 18th Century? Interested about...

Free Easter Fun at John Bunyan Museum
Wondering what to do with the kids this Easter? Come along to John Bunyan Museum and join in with the fun and activities. John Bunyan...

Summer may be over but there is still lots to do at John Bunyan Museum
This summer’s ‘Crafty Thursdays’ saw 65 children and 49 adults taking part in craft-based activities over the five sessions. The...

Exploring Bedford with John Bunyan
Fantastic start to the museum's summer term of activities with a busy week of school visits. Riseley C of E Primary, and Bedford Prep...