Exploring Bedford with John Bunyan
Fantastic start to the museum's summer term of activities with a busy week of school visits. Riseley C of E Primary, and Bedford Prep School visited during the week to explore the museum, discover the church; its windows and the stories they tell, and handle some of the (replica) 17th century household items John and Elizabeth Bunyan would have used (and some they might not!) Finishing the week with a visit from Renhold VC Primary school who are taking part in the first of this years “Following in the Footsteps of John Bunyan.” This is a full day visit for schools, with guided tours of the museum and church, use of the handling collection, an art activity in the church– and the chance to meet and interview John and Elizabeth Bunyan! John and Elizabeth then lead the children on a tour and quiz of the town. This is the third year of running Footsteps in partnership with Impact- Bedford Area Schools Christian Support Trust- and is going from strength to strength. It is great to be able to support RE in schools and help local children discover more about Bedford and its famous son.